VIP Loyalty Program

Become a Mombacho VIP Member and start earning Reward Points on every purchase for free by signing up!

How It Works

For every purchase you make, you’ll earn reward points that can be redeemed on future orders.

  • For every $1 spent (before taxes & shipping), you’ll earn 5 points.
  • Every 100 points earned is worth $1 off your next qualifying order.


  • Points can be redeemed on cigars, accessories & merchandise.
  • Points can also be redeemed on a Mombacho Trip Experience here.
  • Points cannot be redeemed on taxes and shipping.

First Purchase Bonus

Earn an extra 500 Reward Points ($5 Value) on your first order! Points will be added to your account automatically after your order is completed.

Referral Program

Refer your friends for Bonus Reward Points!

Find your referral link in your “My Account” page after signing up. Your referral link can be shared with your friends to earn you bonus reward points.

Every new referral who completes a new purchase will reward you a bonus 500 Reward Points ($5 Value) automatically to your account!

Your friend will also earn themselves a free 500 Reward Points ($5 Value) after completing their first order!