Mombacho In The News
Our Cigar Master
Claudio is a true Doctor of Cigars. His vast knowledge and experience base extends from cultivation and tobacco procurement to blending and tasting as well as quality control processes.
Upon his discovery of Mombacho Cigars and their search for a new Master Blender, he was immediately drawn to Mombacho’s premium presentation and desire to treat all their employees like family while building an internationally renowned boutique cigar in Granada, Nicaragua.
As passionate and personable as he is knowledgeable, his presence in the factory immediately rubs off on those around him.
Claudio brings a diverse professional portfolio to the Mombacho Family, highlighting previous work experience in global territories such as France, Turkey, Italy, the Caribbean and Central America.
He began his career in the tobacco industry in the Dominican Republic, under the direction of the internationally renowned tobacco expert Henki Kelner from the Oettinger-Davidoff Group.
After gaining valuable knowledge about tobacco production and cigar manufacturing, he moved to Geneva, Switzerland to increase his knowledge while working at Davidoff & Cie. By 2006 Claudio was promoted to Brand Manager at Davidoff in Treviso, Italy, a title that he held until 2009 when he launched his career as an independent consultant for various cigar brands in the United States.
The Mombacho Brand
The world of handmade cigars as we know it is almost two hundred years old. It is one of the few luxury products that does not improve with technology. At its essence, a cigar experience is a romantic ritual from days gone by where the cutting, lighting and enjoyment of a cigar is a refined pleasure, easily customizable to occasional indulgers and regular enthusiasts alike.
Mombacho is not a cigar company catering to seasoned cigar smokers, but rather it purveys unique experiences to like-minded people.
Mombacho Cigars was born with a dedication to customer service, maintaining an approachable luxury product and purveying these unique experiences. A passionate belief that the only way to achieve this was to go back to the age old custom of making cigars, Totalmente a Mano, Spanish for “totally by hand”.
The History of Mombacho Cigars
In 2006, a deal sealed with a friendly handshake was commemorated with a trek to the top of the majestic Volcano Mombacho, outside the colonial city of Granada, Nicaragua.
At its peak, a shared cigar between two friends became the first “Mombacho Moment” and inspired the company’s name.
Creating Moments
Mombacho Cigars of Nicaragua has set out to change the way a cigar is smoked by underscoring the importance of the experience around it. A great cigar is the punctuation of a great moment and the two cannot exist without each other. It is this mutual dependency that Mombacho believes creates the foundation for lasting memories and it is through intimate tasting experiences that Mombacho is spreading the word to audiences of all types. Cigars don’t need to be intimidating. They complement a beautiful experience and are meant to be enjoyed at any pace.
We do not sell any tobacco products directly to customers. This website is not intended to be viewed by anyone under the legal minimum purchase age in your jurisdiction. If you are not of legal purchasing age, please do not view this website. We do not sell cigarettes or roll your own tobacco.